He Can’t Give Away What He Doesn’t Have

by | Oct 16, 2019

Yesterday was Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Day. It was overwhelming to see how many women have lost babies way too soon. What an honor to celebrate those little lives and remember their Mamas. There was a national initiative called “Wave of Light,” in order to remember those lives we never got to see grow up.

It was only fitting the first verse I saw this morning was 1 John 1:5. In times of loss, grief, or tragedy it’s easy for us to want to place blame on someone. A lot of the time, God gets blamed for much of the evil that happens in our lives. So many women are walking around thinking that God killed their baby, or “needed their baby in heaven.”

This thinking is absolutely devastating. If an earthly father killed their child, they would go to jail for murder. Yet for some Christians, they believe this about their Heavenly Father. John 10:10 says that it is the enemy that comes to steal, kill, and destroy. But Jesus has come to bring us LIFE and life abundantly!

How devastating to believe a loving Father would do such a thing as steal or kill a baby. When the only plans God has for His children are good, plans to prosper them, not to harm them (Jeremiah 29:11). The beautiful thing about God is that He can never give away what He doesn’t have.

1 John 1:5 days that there is absolutely no trace of darkness in Him, He is only light. It’s important we place the blame in the right direction. If it’s bad it comes from the enemy. If it is good, it comes from God. Understanding this essential, basic truth allows us to develop an intimate relationship with God because we know He would never steal from us. He only has good plans for His children and is only full of light!

If you want to understand this further or have questions about this topic, I would encourage you to listen to this podcast…https://www.acupfullofhopepodcast.com/30-god-is-an-extravagant-giver-he-does-not-take/.