The Umpire of Your Heart

by | Sep 5, 2019

Webster’s says the definition of peace is freedom from disturbance, tranquility, a state or period where there is no war or a war has ended.

I don’t know about you, but I’ve spent too much of my life waiting to “get out of this season because then I’ll finally have some peace.” Have you ever said that?

“After this doctor’s appointment, then I’ll feel better about things.” Or “Well after I get pregnant I’ll finally be at peace.” Or “As soon as our home study is complete I’ll be able to have peace.” Or “After I deliver this baby then I’ll feel peace.”

I think we’ve all been there. Waiting it out, hoping that after this season finally ends our hearts can find peace. But that’s not God’s Word says. His Word says ALWAYS be guided by peace. In the Greek that phrase literally says “let peace be the umpire of your minds.”

What is an umpire? It’s a person who is chosen to arbitrate between contending parties. Well then who is the umpire of our hearts? The Prince of Peace Himself.

The beautiful part of knowing Jesus and being His intimate friend is that in the midst of absolute chaos, we get to lean in close to His chest, listen to His heart beating and let Him be our peace. The sound of His heart beating can drown out all the other noise, if we let it.

In every situation, in every circumstance, in every season peace gets to make the rules. We can let peace make the call on the fields of our hearts. And live from a place that is free of distractions no matter what our eyes might see.

This season for my family and me might be the most  chaotic we’ve ever lived. One thing we do to live from a place of peace is take communion frequently. Taking communion helps us remember that peace is our inheritance, that Jesus died so we could sleep in storms, and find our resting place in the center of Papa God’s heart.

This morning, in the midst of utter chaos and noise my husband said, “Father, no matter what we see with our eyes, we know it is not your reality. We choose to believe your reality today.”

Don’t wait another day for peace to come. Don’t wait for the season to chance or the circumstance to disappear. Choose to let the Prince of Peace rule in your hearts today.

And let the sound of His heartbeat drown out all the noise.