Weeping and Worship

by | Sep 8, 2021

The last month has felt very heavy for the world, our country, my community, my job, my home, and in my heart. 

The enemy has been attacking every area from Afghanistan to my own front porch.  August saw more days of weeping for me than I have experienced in a long time.  But I’ve learned that both weeping and worship are my warfare. 

When I feel heavy laden and like all of the burdens of the world are falling on me I can still worship because worship shifts my attention and exalts the Father above every situation and every hardship. Despite all that the world tells us about the conditions and times we are in, His love is so great that it reaches from heaven to my front porch, and all the way to Afghanistan. For that and so much more, He deserves all of my praise. 

So while I wait on the breakthrough that I know is coming, I continuously cry out to Heaven with both my tears and my praises. I wake up each day and I begin to worship.  “My worship awakens the dawn”.  

My heart, O God, is quiet and confident.

    Now I can sing with passion your wonderful praises!

Awake, O my soul, with the music of his splendor-song!

    Arise, my soul, and sing his praises!

    My worship will awaken the dawn,

    greeting the daybreak with my songs of praise!

Wherever I go, I will thank you, my God.

    Among all the nations they will hear my praise songs to you.

Your love is so extravagant it reaches to the heavens;

    your faithfulness so astonishing it stretches to the sky!

Lord God, be exalted as you soar throughout the heavens.

    May your shining glory be shown in the skies!

    Let it be seen high above all the earth!

Psalm 57:7-11

-Haley S.