Center of My Schedule

by | Sep 7, 2022

Fall is almost upon us and it seems like most of us are entering into a very busy season. School has started, new jobs have started, our schedules are filling up with football games, and all the fall activities. I love fall season and all the fun it brings. But as my calendar continues to fill up everyday I am starting to feel overwhelmed and out of control. There is so much in life I have no control over so an organized schedule is one thing I strive for. However my schedule is more chaotic than ever. 

I have never felt stretched so thin as I do right now. I am a new mama to twins and let’s just say the phrase “double trouble” couldn’t be more accurate. Lol. Being Mama is a role I have waited many, many years for and I thought I was very prepared for. But I wasn’t prepared to feel stretched so thin in my many roles now as mama, wife, nurse, leader, daughter. This new busy season shows me how evident it is that I feel this way. 

I’m sure many of us feel this way but it can be hard for us to admit that we feel we aren’t enough. 

In the midst of the busyness of our schedule we easily lose sight on what is most important. Our Father God wants to be center of our schedule. The focus of our life; and lately I have had to call out to Father to get me through my day. 

Psalm 46:5 says, “God is within her, she will not fall; God will help her at break of day.” This can be interpreted different ways. “Her” is being referred to as the city or people of the church. I choose to interpret it literally as “her” being ME. 

Father is within me. 

I will not fail. 

I am enough. 

He will help me at break of day. 

I have to choose to keep Him as the center of my schedule. He is my focus and everything and everyone else will fall into place after HIM. I can fulfill all of my roles if the role of daughter to HIM is first. Making time for Father first will allow us to prioritize everything else on our plate. 

This new fall season is a new season of life for me. Not just as a new Mama but as a new daughter to HIM. My eyes truly focused on Him. He is the center of my schedule. 

-Kelley K.