From What Once Was…

by | Aug 2, 2023

I have been reading through the book of Matthew lately, and was recently reading in Matthew 15 where Jesus feeds the 5,000.  I’m sure you know the story.

Jesus calls His disciples to Him and shares that He has great compassion for this large crowd of people who have been with Him for three days already. He tells the disciples that He does not want them all to journey home without food so that they won’t be weak. The disciples gather 7 loaves of bread and a few fish, and Jesus multiplies the food and is able to feed His followers until they were not only fed, but full!

As I was reading, these words really struck my heart in verse 37:

“When everyone was full and satisfied, they gathered up the leftovers. AND FROM WHAT WAS ONCE seven loaves and a few fish, they filled seven baskets!” 

Those words—“from what was once…”  I began to really meditate on those words and think about my own life and family.  I became overwhelmed with emotion as I reflected on all of the times in my own life where I can now use these words to talk about His promises fulfilled….

“From what was once a mind held in bondage by fear and anxiety…”

“From what was once a barren womb…”

“From what was once a dream that seemed impossible, but He asked me to dream with Him…”

“From what was once a marriage that was crumbling beneath our feet…”

“From what was once a job that brought endless stress and worry…”

I could never even name them all, and I would be writing for days if I tried… but they’re all evidence of His faithfulness & promises fulfilled in my own life & family.  All promises and words that He spoke over me, my marriage, my family, and we saw come to pass. Times where we witnessed His goodness, His provision, His all-consuming love, even in the midst of the valleys….ESPECIALLY in the valleys. 

Time after time where He took what seemed like remnants and crumbs, and gave us fresh manna in abundance….where we went from empty and desperate, to receiving fullness in overflow. 

Isn’t it just like Him?

He’s done it before, in my own life and yours, and He’ll do it again and again sister.

-Sara D.