Ruth’s Choice

by | Jun 16, 2021


This summer, Holy Spirit and I are walking through a deep study of the book of Ruth.

Ruth got married and within 10 years lost her father in law, brother in law, and husband and then moved to a foreign land. Ruth was living in some dark days and her mother-in-law, Naomi, offered her an out by giving her a chance to leave. Not only does she stay but the Bible says that she “clings to her” instead. Through Naomi, she had gotten a taste of the mighty God who is faithful. 

In verse 16, Ruth uses very similar language to describe her faithfulness to Naomi that God uses in His promises to the Israelites in Exodus 6:7. This means that she knew who God was and what He had promised and because of what she had seen, Ruth was able to confidently declare “your God will be my God.” She had seen firsthand a loving God who can turn sadness to joy and restlessness to peace in Naomi’s life. She chose in by faith. Eventually Ruth goes on to meet her kinsman redeemer and their family name is restored to a line that included David and Jesus! 

We can be reminded here that no matter what we are walking through in our lives, God is seeking to draw us near. He desires a covenant love with us that enables us to have a confident faith. Like Ruth we have to choose in, even though we may not know the outcome. But because we know who God is and that He is always for us, we can have faith in Him! When we draw near to Him and trust in His goodness we can find peace in the middle of our darkest days and rest knowing that even if we can’t see it yet The Son is coming up! 

-Haley S.