Face to Face

by | Feb 24, 2021

I recently learned that there is no Hebrew word for “presence,” the word translated actually means “face” and suddenly so many verses make sense to me. In Psalm 16:11 for example, “in your presence there is fullness of joy” should really read “in your face there is fullness of joy.”

When I think about all the times I want to connect with my loved ones, what I want is to be face to face with them. I tease my husband when we watch our favorite sitcom that a commercial break is really an opportunity to give him 10 seconds of uninterrupted eye contact. He flashes me a smile and shakes his head.

Many times we’ll sing songs about how we love being in the Father’s presence (face). How many of us can hear Him singing back the same thing? He loves to be in our presence (face). Face to face is the place where our lives can change in an instant. Just a revelation of His face can put everything in its rightful place. In His face we find kindness, patience, truth – pure love.

How about you, when you are face to face with the Father, what do you see?

-Blanca G.