Releasing the Burden

by | Mar 3, 2021

Lately I’ve been learning what it means to allow the Father’s yoke to be on me.

It’s really easy to allow the circumstances around us to take root and feel heavy. The reality for me is that when I choose into daily time with the Father through prayer, worship or reading of the word, my heart and mind feel refreshed, not heavy. I’m able to say in a moment of tension, “Father, this is Your burden to bear. Please come show me this situation through Your eyes!”

Although the situation may not change, my view of it or my feelings around it do. Releasing it to Him allows me the chance to fully feel what I’m feeling and walk it out without the burden of being the one to fix it, and it reminds me that I’m not alone in that weight and stress. He is with me and He’s carrying it for me.

-Faith B.