Center of My Schedule

Fall is almost upon us and it seems like most of us are entering into a very busy season. School has started, new jobs have started, our schedules are filling up with football games, and all the fall activities. I love fall season and all the fun it brings. But as my...

Praise Him

Stepping into this new season of motherhood has looked completely different than I thought it would! It has been joyfully overwhelming. Life is different but also I’m learning how to navigate my time with the Father. For this time, He has reminded me the importance of...

Radiant Faces

Most often when we talk about radiant faces, we are referring to a pregnant woman.  You know, that expectant glow?  It’s one of the better signs of pregnancy that seems to disappear as soon as the sleepless nights with a newborn start.  But this Psalm is saying that...

Leaning In

This time of year is especially busy for my family. My husband teaches high school and college students, and I have three kids that are now in elementary school. We are all trying to adjust from the flexibility of summer, to our new routine and rhythm for the school...

Waiting On Tiptoes

One of my little girl’s favorite things to do is check our mail.  She loves for me to carry her down the driveway in my arms and then she’ll open the mailbox as she shrieks, “Open Mommy, see what’s inside!”  Last week it was raining one day and she was...